In the articl detection of blood rhology, SOD, change of blood gas and PH was per- formed in 180 patients with pulmonary heart disease. Effect showed that serum SOD-1 actirty in a- cute stage of attack and remission stage(60 cases) rose apparently in comparison with that of normal conktrols (P<0. 01). Through the research it could be certificated that (I) it was possible that oxygen free radical invoved in pathological and physiological prossess of pulmonary heart disease. (II) it was very important that either serum or blood change of DOD-1 content in patients of acute stage of at- tack with chronic pulmonary heart disease would concern disease judgement and prognosis estimation. Our research made it possible that during treatment SOD- 1 became one of exogempis dncgs in patients with pulmonary heart disease. The research showed it possible too that SOD-1 acted in eas- ing lung damage ,decreasing and preveting complication advancing the disease reversion, increasing cure rate and decreasing mortality.
Chinese Journal of Hemorheology