Changes of plasma prostaglandin and platelet abnormal function play an important role in the occurrence and development of coronary diseases. The present study indicates: patients with cornary diseases have an increase in platelet aggregation and release function and 70- 80% cases of myocardiac infarction have blood stasis in their coronary vessels. In our eight year microcirculation study, we found that 23. 8 % of the patients with coronary diseases had microstasis in bullar conjuncti- val micorcirculation. Reports from abroad rated 27%. Microstassis is the mark of the obstruction in Microcirculation. We detected plasma TXA2, 6-k-pgf {12} and platelet aggregation rate of the pa- tients relation between plasma prostaaglandin, platelet function and microstasis.
Changes of plasma prostaglandin and platelet abnormal function play an important role in the occurrence and development of coronary diseases. The present study indicates: patients with cornary diseases have an increase in platelet aggregation and release function and 70- 80% cases of myocardiac infarction have blood stasis in their coronary vessels. In our eight year microcirculation study, we found that 23. 8 % of the patients with coronary diseases had microstasis in bullar conjuncti- val micorcirculation. Reports from abroad rated 27%. Microstassis is the mark of the obstruction in Microcirculation. We detected plasma TXA2, 6-k-pgf {12} and platelet aggregation rate of the pa- tients relation between plasma prostaaglandin, platelet function and microstasis.
Chinese Journal of Hemorheology