DunaIiella salina, a halotolerent unicellular green alga, can accurmulate a Iarge amount of β-caroteneunder environmental conditions. The isorners of β-carotene extIacted from D. salina culturedin medium with different nitrate and phosphate concentrations were analysed by HPLC with Alox-Talumins column. At least six isomers were found in different proportions depending on the culture me-dia’s nitrate and/or phosphate concentrations. Nitrate and/or phosphae defidency was conducive tothe accumulation of totaI cis isomers but not of al1 trans isomer. lt is sUggeSted that 1 mmol/L KNO<sub>3</sub>and 0.1 mmol/L KH<sub>2</sub>, PO<sub>4</sub> are favourable for accumulation of total cis β-carotene.
Dunaliella salina, a halotolerant unicellular green alga, can accumulate a large amount ofβ-carotene under certain environmental conditions. The isomers of β-carotene extracted from D. salina cultured in medium with different nitrate and phosphate concentrations were analysed by HPLC with Alox-T alumina column. At least six isomers were found in different proportions depending on the culture media's nitrate and/or phosphate concentrations. Nitrate and/or phosphate deficiency was conducive to the accumulation of total cis isomers but not of all trans isomer. It is suggested that 1 mmol/L KNO3 and 0.1 mmol/L KH2 PO4 are favourable for accumulation of total cis β-carotene.
This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Grant No.38970587.