城市雕塑与空间环境之间的关系是一个常议常新的命题。 一、环境中的ABC 我国新时期的城市雕塑打破几十年来的习惯设置方式,走出半封闭的公园空间环境,迈进了城市的道路、广场和公共绿地等开放的公共空间。但遗憾的是,如今城市雕塑又陷入了与空间难以协调的窘境。之所以酿成城市雕塑在空间环境中的不协调。
This article analyzes through examples the existing problems of modern Chinese urban sculptures to find a way for establishing a harmonious relationship among environment, man and sculpture. In the views of the authors, what a sculptor lacks in the creation and design of urban sculptures is the overall environmental consciousness. He should focus on learning and understanding the knowledge of modern urban planning, urban design and architecture, and improving the quality of creation. The inspirations the authors draw from the excellent works of urban sculpture are to focus on man, stick to one's views, explore boldly and create works of the highest quality.