目的:探讨磷肥生产性粉尘对肺功能的损害以及接尘工龄与肺功能指标的相关性,寻找几项相关性较好的肺功能指标,作为磷肥生产工人早期健康检查的筛检指标。方法:采用DF—9100型肺功能仪,测定肺功能指标:FVC实/预、FEV_1实/预、FEV_1%实/预、MMFF实/预、MVV实/预、和小气道功能指标PEFR实/预、FEF_(75)实/预、FEF_(50)实/预、FEF_(25)实/预、FEF_(75 Ht)实/预、MTT_P、MTT_(ps),采用多因素逐步回归分析。结果:肺功能指标FVC实/预、FEV_1实/预、MVV实/预等3项指标进入最优逐步回归方程,揭示其可作为磷肥生产行业接尘工人肺功能改变的筛检指标。结论:磷肥生产性粉尘主要损害大气道功能;根据标准偏回归系数绝对值大小,磷肥生产行业接尘工人肺功能筛检优选指标依次为:FEV_1实/预、MVV实/预、MVC实/预。
Objective: The purpose was to investigate the damages of phosphate fertilizal dust on the lung function, and the relationship between the exposure work year and lung function index. In order to chose the better relationship paramenters as screening index of early stage lung function changing of phosphate fertilizer workers healthy examination. Methods: Using the model of DF - 9100 lung function equipment measured the forced vital capacity (FVC) true value/estimate value, et al. 12 index, the data was used analysed by stepwise regressiong analyses. Results: The FVCtrue value/estimate value et al. 3 paramenters entered stepwise regression function, accordence with the standard partial regression coefficient absolute value, the best arranging in order was FEV1 true value/estimate value, MVV true value/estimate value, FVC true value/estimate value. Conclusion: It indicated that the phosphate fertilizal dust mainly hazard the function of big gas tunel, and FEV1 true value/estimate value, MVV true value/estimate value, FVC true value/estimate value may use as the best screening index of early stage of phosphate fertilizer workers lung function.
Journal of Logistics University of PAP(Medical Sciences)
Phosphate fertilizer production
Exposure work year
Lung function index
Stepwise regressiong analyses.