
三峡库区移民迁建地质灾害研究 被引量:13

Research on geologic hazards of relocation construction at the Three Gorges Reservoir,the Yangtze River
摘要 三峡工程库区地处渝东、鄂西山区地带,丘陵占21.7%,山地占74%,平坝仅占4.3%,而这些平坝中最低的一部分又将被水库淹没。库区人口多,长期过度开垦,水土流失严重,后备土地资源缺少,地质环境容量极为有限,人地关系紧张,移民总人口达120万人,安置难度大。在1993~1997年第一期移民中,共安置了8.2万移民,到2003年第二期移民约将搬迁安置50万人,第三期移民到2009年前必须完成。因此,二期、三期移民工作比一期任务更为艰巨、时间更为紧迫。如果说,三峡工程成败在移民的话,那么,移民的成败在某种程度上取决于地质。三峡库区的地质灾害可划分三大阶段:第一阶段为1993年以前,主要以自然地质灾害为主,包括人为工程活动;第二阶段为1993~2003年,由于大规模的移民迁建,出现了大量的高陡边坡和大量的人工弃碴,特别是为数不少的自然滑坡被切脚或拦腰斩断,促使了滑坡的进一步失稳;第三阶段为2003年以后,特别是2003~2009年期间,由于库水位将由135m上升至175m,加上第三期60万移民迁建安置,将会产生多处滑坡等灾害,并形成高潮,这一过程将延续到2020年以后。古崩滑堆积体的保护、改造和开发利用、“大挖大填? The migrating population of the Three Gorges Reservoir is about 1 2 million During the first period project on migration from 1993 to 1997, the 82 thousands of population is settled, and 500 thousands of population will be settled during the second period project from 1997 to 2003, over 650 thousands of population will be settled during the third period project by 2009 But, where do so many population live,since in the area of reservoir the plain is rare and geologic hazards are quite often occurred? The Paper discusses on the engineering geology, especially geologic hazards and controlling,during the migrating settlement The geologic hazards in the Three Gorges Reservior could be divided into three periods: 1 the first period is before 1993,when the dam project began, mainly natural geologic hazards, of course, some caused by human activity; 2 the second period is from 1993 to 2003, geologic hazards mainly caused by toe cut landslide and abandon rock material storage; 3 the third period is after 2003, especially, from 2003 to 2009, geologic hazards would be caused by reservior water level rising, and during third period, over 600 thusands of population will be relocated that will be surge of geologic hazards The third period will extend by 2020 Lots of theretic issuses on geologic hazards will be met,such as,protection, remedy and utilization of landslide and rockfall deposit, “large scale excavating and large scale filling”for the construction and relocation
作者 殷跃平
出处 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》 CSCD 1998年第S1期62-69,共8页 The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control
关键词 三峡工程 移民安置 地质灾害 环境地质 three gorges dam relocation geologic hazards environment geology
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