Abstract Objective : For explore the values of contact microendoscopy in laryngotracheal examination and surgery. Methods :①Sustain laryngoscopy under general anesthesia. ②Panaview endoscopy by contact microendoscopy connecting with video monitor system. ③Contact microendoscopy on laryngeal mucosa epithelium previously stained with methylene blue. ④Performing laryngotracheal microsugery under the visual of contact microendo- scope. Results : With up to 150X magnification and resolution at level of cells ,the contact microendoscope can be use as panaview or microview. The epithelium and blood capillaries can be observed clearly in vivo and in situ. Sev- eral parameters : regularity of the epithelium, dimensions and color of the nucleus , nucleus-cytoplasm ratio, nucleus and cytoplasm contours , and presence of the nucleolus , mitosis , cytoplasmic inclusions , keratosis , koilocytes , and mi- cro blood vessels can be evaluated directly by means of microendoscope . Specific cellular epithelial patterns in 73 cases of different disorders were observed. Performing micro laryngeal surgeries under micro endoscope has been proved to be more perfect and more functional . Conclusions : Observing the physical and pathological varies at ep- ithelium and vessels would helpful for diagnosis and treatment in some laryngotracheal disorders. Microendoscope laryngotracheal surgeries can be performed more perfect and functional.
Chinese Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery