With a mesoscale model (MM5) nested with the global spectral model of NationalMeteorological Center/CMA and especially with the forecast experiments as to rainfall andtemperature of twenty-seven sampling stations in East China for six months (February, March,April in 1997 and June, July, August in 1998), it has been found that the better prediction can beperformed on the condition that the surface physical process of practical land-use categories andphysical parameters is parameterized in particular forecast domain. limited-area model, land-use category, forecast
With a mesoscale model (MM5) nested with the global spectral model of National Meteorological Center/CMA and especially with the forecast experiments as to rainfall and temperature of twenty-seven sampling stations in East China for six months (February, March, April in 1997 and June, July, August in 1998), it has been found that the better prediction can be performed on the condition that the surface physical process of practical land-use categories and physical parameters is parameterized in particular forecast domain.