Objectiye To eiucidate the inducing factor in osteogenesis piayed by dermai fibroblasts. mthods Fibroblasts and epithelial cells were procured from rabbit and human skins and separated. These two types of cells were then cultured either together or separately and studied histochemically, immunohistochemically and biochemically. Results Bone nodules were found only in the mtxed culture of fibroblasts and epithelial cells. During the period ol exuberant bone nodule formation, there were both more positive keratin- stained cells (epithelial cells) and higher ALP activity. When few or no bone nodules formed, positive keratin- stained cells declined or disappeared and the ALP activity fell off. Conclusion That dermal fibroblasts show their osteogenic potential depends mainly on the inducing effect of the ePithelial cells.
Objectiye To eiucidate the inducing factor in osteogenesis piayed by dermai fibroblasts. mthods Fibroblasts and epithelial cells were procured from rabbit and human skins and separated. These two types of cells were then cultured either together or separately and studied histochemically, immunohistochemically and biochemically. Results Bone nodules were found only in the mtxed culture of fibroblasts and epithelial cells. During the period ol exuberant bone nodule formation, there were both more positive keratin- stained cells (epithelial cells) and higher ALP activity. When few or no bone nodules formed, positive keratin- stained cells declined or disappeared and the ALP activity fell off. Conclusion That dermal fibroblasts show their osteogenic potential depends mainly on the inducing effect of the ePithelial cells.