本文对吐哈盆地储层中绿泥石富铁影响该储层酸化工艺效果的现状进行了研究。通过对各油田化验资料的统计分析,归纳总结出了该区绿泥石的 X-衍射谱图与其含铁量的相关规律,从而为该区酸化施工时酸化液配方中铁离子络合剂的添加量提供了定量准则。
This paper studies the current situation of the effects to the acidizing treatment in the formations from the rich Fe content in chlorite from the reservoirs of Tuha basin.Through analyzing the statistic data collected from chemical examination analysis,we have found out the coherent low x-diffraction spectroscopy and the Fe content,and provide the quantitative standard for the determination of the amounts of Fe ions comaplexing agent added to the prescription of acid fluid in the duration of acdizing treatment in this area.
Tuha Oil & Gas