Cell-to-cell and cell-to-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions in the functions of cell adhesion and signal transduction are important in global control of cell phenotypes and cell behavior and are crucial for maintenance of homeostasis and structural/functional stabilization of tissues and organs. Cell adhesion receptors are recognized as the molecular basis of cell adhesion. Cadherin and lntegrin are widely expressed adhesion receptors in most tissues. They are transmembrane glycoproteins which,through their cytoplasmic domain, bind to many proteins at the inner surface of cell membrane to form molecule-linkage complexes and then connect with the cytoskeleton. Through cell adhesion receptors a network functioning as cell adhesion and signal transduction is organized between tissue cells and cellECM. In this regard cell adhesion receptors play an important role in regulation of morphogenesis, cellcell recognition, cell migration, cell sorting and the determination of cell’s fate in development.
Cell-to-cell and cell-to-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions in the functions of cell adhesion and signal transduction are important in global control of cell phenotypes and cell behavior and are crucial for maintenance of homeostasis and structural/functional stabilization of tissues and organs. Cell adhesion receptors are recognized as the molecular basis of cell adhesion. Cadherin and integrin are widely expressed adhesion receptors in most tissues. They are transmembrane glycoproteins which, through their cytoplasmic domain, bind to many proteins at the inner surface of cell membrane to form molecule-linkage complexes and then connect with the cytoskeleton. Through cell adhesion receptors a network functioning as cell adhesion and signal transduction is organized between tissue cells and cellECM. In this regard cell adhesion receptors play an important role in regulation of morphogenesis, cellcell recognition, cell migration, cell sorting and the determination of cell’s fate in development. They mediate cell functions and their fault expression is intimately correlated with development of disorders like cancer. Several isoforms of lntegrin were found to have tumor suppressor effect. Some components in the molecule-linkage of focal contact are actin-binding proteins as well as substrates of kinase in the lntegrin initiated signal pathway to play a role as signal transducer. Some of these molecules exhibited tumor suppressor effect too. Decreased expression of E-Cadherin has been demonstrated in many epithelium originated carcinomas. Cadherin associated membrane adhesion plaque molecule β-Catenin is also involved in the oncogene Wnt signal pathway. Both E-Cadherin and β-Catenin were proved respectively with tumor suppressor effect against invasiveness and metastasis. That Cadherin is important for the posttranslationally functional expression of Connexin has been supported by evidence from developmental biology and cancer cell differentiation studies to suggest that some sort of interrelation feedback c