目的建立快速、敏感、特异和精确的方法检测致病性副溶血弧菌(VP)。方法在耐热 溶血毒素(TDH)结构基因序列的基础上,自行设计探针和引物,应用克隆杂交方法检测30株不同 来源的VP,同时对10株不同KP反应的VP DNA行PCR-TDH检测。结果30例实验菌株,26 例KP阳性株克隆杂交出现阳性信号,其余4例杂交阴性(2例KP弱阳性、2例KP阴性)。用PCR 检测的10株VP中,6例KP阳性株TDH基因均阳性,但有1株KP弱阳性和1株KP阴性株也呈 TDH基因阳性。PCR阳性结果均用Southern blot法证实。结论应用克隆杂交技术检测TDH基 因在合适的条件下能有效地鉴别致病性与非致病性VP。 PCR检测TDH基因为研究VP的致病机 理奠定基础,在临床上可作为一种检测致病性VP的快速敏感的初筛试验。
Objective To establish fast, sensitive and precise methods for detecting Kanagawa phenomenon (KP)-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus(VP). Methods Synthetic oligodeoxyri-bonu- cleotid was used in the colony hybridization test to examine thermostable direct hemolysim (TDH) gene , and polymerase chain reaction(PCR) was also used to detect TDH gene. Results 30 strains VP including different KP reactions and serotypes were detected with colony hybridization, 26 strains were positive, the Others were negative. All the positive strains were in accordence with the traditional KP test, but 2 strains which were weakpositive in KP test were negative. 6 KP- positive strains, 2 KP-negative strains and 2 KP-weak-positive strains weretested with PCR for the TDH gene. All the KP-positive strains were TDH gene positive. At the same time , I KP weak-positive strain and 1 KP-negative strain were also gene positive. These PCR positive results were confirmed with Southern blot. Conclusions Under optimal conditions, the probe was capable of detecting KP-positive VP and distinguishing pathogenic VP from inpathogenic VP. Detecting TDH gene by PCR was helpful in understanding the pathogenic mechanism of VP and benefical in quickly screenning pathogenicity VP in clinic, it also increases the sensitivity and specificity.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
vibrio parahaemolyticus (VP)
colony hybridization
polymerase chain reaction(PCR )