微量元素与人体的生长发育密切相关。本文研究了青少年发中Zn、Cu、Fe、Mn四种微量元素的含量及与性别、年龄、发长发育的关系。结果表明女生发样Cu含量低于男生 ,女生发样Zn含量与年龄呈低度相关 ,男女生发样Zn含量与生长发育水平有关 ,身高、体重中上组发样Zn含量较中下组高 ;女生发样Cu含量也与生长发育有关 ,身高、体重中上组发样Cu含量高于中下组。
Microelements has very close concern with the drvelopment of human growth. The present paper studies the relation between Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn in the hair of teenagers and their sex, age and growth. The result indicates that the content of Cu in girls' hair is less than that in boys'. The content of Zn in girls' hair has little concern with age. The content of Zn in both girls' and boys hair is concerned with growth. The conternt of Cu in girls' hair is also concerned with growth. It is more in the hair of well developed of growth girls.;
Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Natural Science Edition)