
对社会退缩幼儿与教师不良互动状况的分析与思考 被引量:4

Analysis and Reflections on Negative Interaction between Social Withdrawal Child and the Teacher
摘要 社会退缩幼儿与教师的互动存在一系列问题,例如互动少、主题单一,幼儿拒绝教师发起的互动,教师在与幼儿的互动中表现出负性情绪。研究者在对这种不良的师幼互动状况进行分析的基础上提出了改善教师教育行为、建立新型师幼关系、提高幼儿园教师素质和加强与家长的沟通与合作等对策,以提高社会退缩幼儿与教师互动的质量。 There exist problems in interaction between social withdrawal child and the teacher: little interaction, monotonous subject, rejection on the part of the child, and negative emotion of the teacher. Based on an analysis of the negative interaction, the researchers put forward strategies to improve the situation, such as improvement of teacher's instruction behavior, establishment of a new teacher-child relationship, promotion of teacher's quality and enhancement of communication and cooperation with families.
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2007年第12期9-12,33,共5页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
基金 美国西雅图言语听觉科学基金会资助
关键词 社会退缩幼儿 师幼互动 负性情绪 教育理念 social withdrawal child teacher-child interaction negative emotion educational concept
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