通过对传统的十字单元进行改进,设计了两种新型单元的频率选择表面(FSS)。利用谱域分析法,从理论上分析了传统十字单元和新型单元FSS,研究了TE波入射时角度变化和大角度入射下极化方式变化对中心频率的影响。仿真结果表明:在TE波从0°~60°以不同角度入射时,传统十字单元的中心频率漂移为420 MHz,两种新型单元中心频率的漂移量分别为180MHz和210MHz,减少了1/2以上;在45°不同极化方式的波入射时,传统十字单元中心频率的漂移量为990MHz,两种新型单元的漂移量为150MHz和120MHz,减少了2/3以上。与传统十字单元相比,两种新型FSS单元均能实现TE波入射时的角度稳定性和大角度入射时的良好的极化稳定性,为FSS在天线雷达领域中的应用提供了基础。
By modifying the traditional crossed dipoles element,two novel elements of frequency selective surfaces are designed.Based on the spectral-domain approach,the three FSS structures with the traditional element and novel ones are calculated and analyzed theoretically.The influence on the center frequency for changing angles of TE incidence and polarization of large angle incident waves are researched.The simulation result shows that the resonant frequency variation of the crossed dipoles element for different angles of TE incidence is 420 MHz,while the variations of the novel elements are 180 MHz and 210MHz,which are both less than half of the previous one.And the resonant frequency variation of the crossed dipoles element for 45 angle waves of different polarization is 990 MHz,while the variations of the novel elements are 150 MHz and 120 MHz,which are less than one thirds of the previous one.The result shows that the two new FSS structures have better angle independency for TE incidence waves and polarization independency for large angle incidence,which provides a new design method in the field of antenna and radar.
Journal of Microwaves
frequency selective surfaces(FSS)
polarization independency
angle independency