Based on an extensive examination of specimens of 48 taxa in the genus Ligustrum, it was found that four types of seeds could be divided: 1 ) sphaercular, 2) compressed ellipsoidal, 3) compressed ovoid, and 4) crescent-shape with two channels on the back. There is a close relationship between the form of seeds and the type of fruit. Thus, a new infragenetic system of Ligustrum is proposed based on the morphology of seeds and endocarps. In addition, L. xingrenense is regarded as a subspecies of L. nepalense ; L. longipedicellatum and L. yunguiense are treated as synonyms of L. lianum ; L. longitubum and L. robustum subsp, chinense are synonyms of L. leucanthum and L. expansum respectively. L. robustum only occured in India, Burma and Sri Lanka but not in China. The records of L. robustum in China are based on misidetifications of L. expansum.
Acta Botanica Yunnanica