研究了苯丙乳液、VAE聚合物乳液对水泥砂浆工作性能、凝结性能、力学性能的影响。试验结果表明:随着两种聚合物乳液掺量的增加,水泥净浆的初凝与终凝时间逐渐延长,VAE707乳液对水泥净浆初凝和终凝时间的影响相当,而苯丙乳液对水泥净浆初凝时间的缓凝效果要强于终凝效果。养护28 d龄期后的两种聚合物乳液改性水泥砂浆抗折强度较普通水泥砂浆有大幅度提高,相对普通水泥砂浆而言,苯丙乳液改性水泥砂浆折压比明显降低,VAE乳液对水泥砂浆的折压比影响不明显。
This paper presents the influence of styrene-acrylate emulsion,VAE polymers emulsion on workability,concrete setting features and mechanics features of cement mortar.The test results show that along with increment of mixing volume of the 2 polymers,initial setting time and final setting time of the cement mortar increase gradually,the influence of VAE 707 emulsion is equal at each the initial and final setting time of the cement mortar,but the influence of styrene-acrylate emulsion on the initial setting time is stronger than the final setting time in the retardation aspect.After curing 28 days,the flexural strengths of the modified cement mortars are raised considerably compared with common cement mortar,and the flexure-compression ratio of modified styrene-acrylate emulsion cement mortar decreases obviously,so the influence of VAE emulsion on the flexure-compression ratio of modified cement mortar is not obvious.
Yangtze River