
初始分配与应用市场机制矫正外部效应——一个实验经济学研究 被引量:4

Initial Allocation and Correction of Externalities through Market Mechanism—an Experimental Research
摘要 市场机制被认为是解决诸如污染等外部效应问题的有效方法,排污权交易理论建立于市场竞争的基础上,认为许可证的初始分配并不影响配置效率,依靠市场机制会实现许可证的最优配置。本文用实验室双向拍卖机制建立了具有外部效应的产品市场,以及相应的许可证派生需求市场,测试了排污权交易理论应用的边界条件。研究发现许可证初始分配所形成的市场势力可以影响外部效应的矫正效率。 Market mechanism is considered one of the most efficient institutions to solve problems of externalities,such as environmental pollution. Emission trading theory is developed from the assumption that markets will be competitive. In particular,initial allocation of permits will not influence the market outcome and the optimal allocation will be implemented by market mechanism. This paper tests emission trading theory with an extreme condition by an economic experiment. Two laboratory markets including a product market and a permit market of derived demand are built with double auction mechanism. Experimental results suggest that market power formed by the initial allocation in permit market can influence the market efficiency of externalities correction. The findings in this paper have implications to initial allocation designs of emission trading.
出处 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期117-123,共7页 Modern Economic Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(项目批准号:70573069 70573071) 中国博士后科学基金项目(项目批准号:20070420651)
关键词 外部效应 市场势力 市场实验 Externality Market power Market experiment
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