针对收费公路债务规模影响因素较复杂的情况,利用GM(1,1)模型预测出2008~2010年中国公路建设投资中,国内银行贷款额分别为:2 262亿元、2 485亿元、2 707亿元,呈扩大趋势。为控制公路行业债务规模、降低债务风险,提出树立债务风险意识、加大政府投入、加强通行费征收与使用管理、建立偿债收入补偿机制、完善统贷统还政策,以及进行收费公路债务重组等防范措施。
To the more complex factors affecting of the toll road debt scale, and used the GM (1, 1) model, the paper forecasts the domestic loans among Chinese road build investment. The study shows that the loan scale is becoming larger, from 226 200 000 000RMB in 2008 to 270 700 000 000RMB in 2010. For controlling the accelerating trend of debt scale and debt risk in highway industry, the paper points out that some measures, such as setting up a debt-control and restructuring
and repayment-compensating mechanism, enlarging the government investment scale, perfecting the united financing policy,
should be taken into account.
Traffic & Transportation