
汉英双语者语言产生与理解过程中的切换研究 被引量:32

A Research on the Switching Process of Chinese-English Bilinguals in Language Production and Comprehension
摘要 分别用图片命名和词汇判断的方法考察了汉英双语者的语言切换过程。实验一发现,当被试分别用英语和汉语对图片进行命名时,只有汉语出现了切换代价,而英语没有出现。在实验二中,当被试进行词汇判断时,切换代价的模式发生了根本的变化,只有英语出现了切换代价,而汉语没有出现。研究表明,双语者语言产生与理解中语言切换的认知过程有本质的差异。 Picture naming and lexical decision tasks were Used to investigate the processing of code switching in Chinese-English bilinguals. In Experiment 1, the subjects were required to name the pictures in English or Chinese. The results showed a significant switching cost for Chinese but not for English. In Experiment 2, the subjects made decisions by pressing the left or right key. A reversed pattern of switching cost was obtained showing a significant switching cost for English but not for Chinese. These results show that the switching process of language comprehension is different from that of language production. The switching cost in language production arises from competition between two schemas, while switching cost in language comprehension comes from inhibition within the bilingual lexical-semantic system.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期356-359,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金的资助(项目号30400133和30270462)
关键词 语言切换 切换代价 语言产生 语言理解 language switching switching cost language production language comprehension
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