An instrument for recording manipulation of acupuncture had designed and made our, force at process of acupuncture can be affected out by two strain gauges (a kind of electrical sistance) straighting each other between fingers and needle. Frequency, Speed, Intensity of acupuncture were expressed by re- cording apparatus that lined with it. By preliminary analying, it made clear that acutual frequency of directly stimulating points was more hider than time of needle's movement with frequence spectrums for several time to tens times in a row, and substance of deqi(needle sensation)was gradually developing into a tight of point tissues, and curves of reinforcement of liftig-thrusting were just in anopposite direction with curves of reduction of it, and when continuous acupuncting point, curves appeared regularity waying that to respond. feature of point itself.
machanics instrument
acupuncture manipulation
strain gauge