The effect of soil naphthaline pollution on growth of maize seedlings was investigated in this paper. We found that the influence of soil naphthaline pollution stress on content of Chlorophyll was not obvious, but the negative influence on Chlorophyll b was stronger than on Chlorophyll a. The inhibition on photosynthetic rate by soil uaphthaline pollution was much stronger than on the content of Chlorophyll. We found that both the upper and under-ground parts of maize plants were sensitive to soil naphthaline pollution. At a lower concentration (50 mg.kg^-1 ), the pollution stimulated growth of both the above-ground plants and their roots, though this stimulating effect diminished and followed by inhibiting effect after a longer treatment. At higher concentrations ( 100-150 mg.kg^-1 ), the soil naphthaline pollution still exhibited a stimulating effect on the growth and development of the maize seedlings in first week, but became inhibitory starting from the second week. When the concentration was above 200 mg.kg^-1, the soil naphthaline pollution seriously restrained maize development, probably due to accumulating of a large amount of reactive oxygen and superoxide radicals. Reactive oxygen and superoxide radicals might damage the panniculus adiposus and proteases that were essential for normal metabolism. Thus, our results indicated that the second week was the key period for physiologic accommodation and adaptation of the maize seedlings to soil naphthaline pollution.
Journal of Agro-Environment Science