Objective: To study the CT features of edontogenic tumor and tumor-like lesions in submaxilla so as to improve the diagnostic level of this disease. Methods: CT appearances of mandibular odontogenic tumor and tumor-llke lesions proved by surgery and pathology in 44 patients were reviewed retrospectively. Results:27 cases were edontogenic tumors. Among them, 14 cases were ameloblastomas, 12 of 14 them located in lower molar and ascending limb region, with 6 eases mono-cystic type and, the others multi-cystic or solid type. Mono-cystie type of ameloblastoma showed regular expansive bony disease. The muhi-eystie or solid type showed multi-cystic expansive bony disease with septation, sometimes bony destruction and enhaneement. 7 eases of keratoeystie odontogenie tumor showed cystic density and growth along the long axis of the body of submaxilla. 4 eases of carcinoma of gingiva showed irregular destruction of bone with soft- tissue mass. 17 cases were tumor-like lesions, ineluding 9 eases dentigerous cysts, 4 eases radieular cysts, 1 ease ossifying fibroma, 2 ease osteofibrous dysplasia, and 1 ease solitary bone cyst. Conelusion:Tumor and tumor-like lesions in submaxilla have different CT features. CT sean plays an important role in diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
Journal of Medical Imaging