

Study on the Application of Ecological Engineering Method for River Bank Control of Zhuo-Kou River,Pingtung County,Taiwan
摘要 台湾特殊地理条件,于具有灾害潜在的河段,常须整治野溪、水土保持及水利工程设施,却忽略栖息于当地的原生物种;所幸近十几年来,生态工程在台湾日益盛行,许多水利建设也逐渐开始考量对环境生态的影响;然而,由于对河川欠缺完整性的规划管理概念,常导致部分施工成效仍待验证。本研究初步建立一规划设计的方法论,从利用简易的粒径量测方法及以HEC-RAS模拟河川水位开始,至如何应用生态工程的理论基础进行河溪整治,作一详尽说明,期能为日后工程界进行规划设计时之依据。 In view of the special geology of Taiwan, it is required to perform measures regarding stream control, soil & water conservation and water conservation facilities on some of river sections having potential hazards. However, it has been ignored the primitive creatures inhabit at these stream. Fortunately, the ecological engineering has become a popular science in Taiwan for past decades, and the impact of water resources constructions on ecosystem has been taken into account during the water conservancy construction. In spite of this, due to lacks of the sound management concept for river planning, the effectiveness of such constructions needs to be verified. This study established a prelim- inary methodology for the planning and design, and a detail discussion began with the applications of simple grain - size calibration methods and HAC - RAS model in modeling river water level, and ended with the applications of ecological engineering to perform stream control. The results may be referred to in relevant construction circles as the basis of planning and design.
作者 李锦育
出处 《亚热带水土保持》 2009年第1期1-6,15,共7页 Subtropical Soil and Water Conservation
关键词 生态工程 HEC—RAS 粒径分析 ecological engineering, HEC -RAS, grain- size analysis
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