The design of a 450 MHz β=0.2 superconducting single spoke cavity has been finished at Peking University. A theoretical model and a numerical simulation are used to study the relationship between the RF performance and the geometric parameters of the cavity. In this paper, the optimization of the spoke cavity is described in detail. The RF simulation gives the optimum parameters Epk/Zacc of 2.65 and Bpk/Eacc of 5.22 mT/(MV/m). The mechanical properties of the cavity are also studied. Two stiff ribs are used to offer a credible mechanical stability.
The design of a 450 MHz β=0.2 superconducting single spoke cavity has been finished at Peking University. A theoretical model and a numerical simulation are used to study the relationship between the RF performance and the geometric parameters of the cavity. In this paper, the optimization of the spoke cavity is described in detail. The RF simulation gives the optimum parameters Epk/Zacc of 2.65 and Bpk/Eacc of 5.22 mT/(MV/m). The mechanical properties of the cavity are also studied. Two stiff ribs are used to offer a credible mechanical stability.