Our country's medical reform so far, has not yet fundamentally touched the hospital the economical compensation mechanism, has not yet been established the active control medical expense mechanism and the incentive mechanism for supplies side, there is an urgent need to develop a mechanism that medical service providers become the main medical expense control body. This article utilizes the option idea to construct the basic health care managed model for all urban and rural residents, proposed that the government should buy a call option of the basic health services from the social medical providers to avoid the risks selling a put option to all residents in the urban and rural areas. The basic health care managed model should be built among the government, the social medical treatment and all residents. The basic idea is to use the option operations pattern to realize risk control question through the risk shift method, so that the medical providers to become the main body of cost control. The government realizes risk transfer to medical providers by the fact signing a contract with medical providers , and the government will pay the captivation in advance to medical providers according to the premium from average medical costs of urban and rural residents. Namely, the government transform the fair premium into the captivation for medical provider to realize the risk rationally transfer from insurant, government and medical providers Analytical designing the duties and positions that the government , medical providers and the urban and rural residents serve the managed model and making a recommendation to gradually establish and perfect the new medical service system of urban and rural integration in the final part.
Chinese Health Economics
option idea
option organization pattern
the basic health care for all urban and rural residents