为调查云南省H9N2亚型禽流感病毒的分子流行病学情况,对2006年6月至2007年4月从云南省16地州随机采集了各种家禽、家猪的5 728份喉气管和口腔棉拭子样品进行RT-PCR检测,276份样品呈H9N2阳性。将具有代表性的17份阳性样品的HA全长基因序列测定和分析。结果表明:株间HA基因同源性为91%~100%,推导氨基酸同源性95%~100%,所测序列与云南1999年分离H9N2毒株ackynkenxie-1-99的同源性仅为93%。根据HA基因同源性,可将17个毒株可分为2个亚群,一个亚群的12株HA基因同源性高达97%以上,与Qa/ST3143/05和C/Bei1/94同源性是97%和93%,其中的11株毒株HA基因全长1 671,编码556aa,存在第6~9位4 aa缺失,只有AC/Yndq/06株HA基因1 683,编码560 aa。另外一个亚群的其余5株,同源性98%以上,HA基因全长1683 bp,编码560 aa。17个毒株中3个存在218~220 aa糖基化位点变异,1个毒株551~553 aa糖基化位点发生变异。所有毒株在HA裂解位点处没有连续性碱性氨基酸插入,受体结合位点处的氨基酸没有变异。
To investigate the epidemiology of H9N2 subtype avian influenza viruses in yunnan province, 5728 samples from poultry and swine in difference places were randomly collect between June 2006 and April 2007.2 pairs of primer were designed and synthesized based on nucleoprotein(HA and NA)gene and variability of known H9N2 subtype avian influenza viruses. The 276 samples were infected with H9N2 subtype avian influenza viruses by RT-PC R. HA gene of 17 strains were cloned into PMD-18T vector. Sequence analysis shows that homology of HA gene of H9N2 subtype from different districts samples was between 92%-100%. The homology of HA gene of 12 strains is 97% as a branch,which HA of 556 amino acids in 11 strains existed the same four-amino-acids deletion in the HA stalk at 6-9aa and homology of HA gene encoding 560aa in other 5 strains is 98% as another a branch. The 17 of strains with H9N2 subtype influenza virus isolated is low homology comparing with abroad other domestic strains including in 1999,2000 and 2001 of Yunnan province (except Qa/ST3143/05,97%). There were no basic amino acid inserted into the cleavage sites of HA,and variation of amino acid at receptor binding sites either. The glycosylation site of HA in 4 strains existed variation with different modality.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science