为了获得醋酸乙烯-乙烯共聚乳液(VAE乳液)废水的有效处理方法,通过混凝试验比较了不同类型聚丙烯酰胺对FeCl_3混凝-气浮工艺的助凝效果,重点研究了阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺CZ4060,确定了其最佳的投加时间、pH值及与FeCl_3的复配投量。结果表明,CZ4060对FeCl_3具有明显的助凝作用,其最佳的投加点是紧随FeCl_3之后投加,最佳的pH值范围为7~9,最佳絮凝时间为8 min,与FeCl_3的最佳复配投量为1.5 mg/L和100 mg/L。最佳实验条件下,原水COD为3 085 mg/L时,出水COD降为55.28 mg/L,达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978—1996)要求的一级排放标准。
The given study is to provide an improved method for increasing the efficiency of VAE emulsion wastewater treatment with polyacrylamide by coagulation aid. It is a hard to treat VAE emulsion wastewater for its high turbidity, high COD value, poor biodegradability as well as high stability. So far, there has not yet been a more effective treatment method. A coagulation-flotation method by coagulation aid is proposed in this paper. Coagulation aid effects of different polyacrylamides on ferric chloride coagulation are compared. The coagulant aid of cationic polyacrylamide CZ4060 to ferric chloride coagulation is particularly investigated. As a result of investigation, the optimum adding time, the optimum pH value, the optimum ratio of ferric chloride and CZ4060 are defined. The turbidity, COD and pH value of raw water are 2 653 NTU, 3 085 mg/L and 7.28 respectively during the experiments. Method of the experiments is that, first of all, raw water of 1 000 mL is put into a beaker, and then ferric chloride and cationic polyacrylamide is added and mixed for 10 min under a mixing intensity of 350 r/min. Then the wastewater is mixed with air-dissolved water from gas-liquid mixed pump under 0.3 MPa in the flotation reactor. The effluent from the middle of the flotation reactor is sampled and tested after 10 min. The results of the experiments indicate that the aided-coagulation action of cationic polyaerylamide CZ4060 is obvious to ferric chloride coagulation. According to the experiment results, the optimum dosing time is immediately followed after ferric chloride dosing, the optimum range of pH value is 7 - 9, the optimum mixing time is 8 min, and the optimum composited dosage is 1.5 mg/L for CZA060 coagulant aid and 100 mg/L for ferric chloride. Under the optimum experimental conditions, the COD of the effluent is decreased to 55.28 mg/L, the removal rate is reached to 98.2 %, while the effluent quality can be satisfied with the firstclass discharge standard stipulated in the State Integrated Sewage Discharge Standard
Journal of Safety and Environment
civil engineering
coagulation aid
ferric chloride
VAE emulsion wastewater