利用文献计量学方法,统计分析了1995-2007年11月Web of Science收录的生物信息学(bioinformatics)研究文献,探讨了生物信息学文献研究的年代分布、语种、期刊分布、作者、文献类型、主题分布以及发文量前10名的国家和机构,以期了解世界各国在这一研究领域的进展情况。
By using bibliometric method, the paper has statistically analyzed research papers about "Bioinformatics" collected in Web of Science published during the period of 1995 - 2007, including year distribution, language and periodicals distribution, authors, document type , subject categories, Top 10 country and institution of Bioinformatics literature publication in Web of Science 1995 - 2007, With a view to understanding the world in this research in the field of progress.
Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics