
土体的小应变特性(英文) 被引量:1

The stress strain behaviour of soils at small strains
摘要 岩土工程的设计与计算,常常需要研究土的力学性质,并以数学模型描述其基本特性。随着现场测试技术和土工试验的进步,对土在小应变下应力-应变性质,以及新近应力历史影响有了新的认识。表征这些特性的数学模型,如非线性的块串模型等,已经得到广泛应用。本文首先讨论土在小应变下的非线性特征,接着介绍表征小应变特性,特别是新近应力历史影响的块串模型,最后以一实例说明模型之应用。 This paper introduces the current understanding of stress strain behaviour of soils at small strains and a state of the art soil model the “bricks on strings” model. This model has the ability to mimic the soil behaviour at small strains. The key features of small strain soil behaviour include dependency of soil stiffness on strain magnitude and on recent stress history (stress states and stress paths). These imply that many soils are inelastic even at small strains. The “bricks on strings” model is subsequently used to back-analyse an urban deep excavation in stiff clay. Computed results are in good agreement with field measurements.
作者 吴宏伟 施群
出处 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第1期70-75,共6页 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
关键词 土力学 土体 应力-应变性质 小应变 Small strains, stiffness of soils, stress path, stress history, strain magnitude.
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