PCR - SSP(PCR -sequence-specific primers) and nested PCR were used, and eigh sequence - specificprimers (SSP) of HLA - DR1, DR2, DR4, DR7, DR9, DR10, DR3 group (including DR3, DR8, DR1l ~ 14) alleles wer de-signed accoording to HLA class Ⅱ sequences. PCR - SSP was established with 11 DNA standards representign HLA - DRI ~ 18serological speeificiy respectively. Results showed that each of alleles of 11 DNA standaIds was successop amoped with corm-spowhng SSP. The amopcation Pattern of each SSP to 11 DNA standwh showh no cross - reaction, except HLA - DR3 group-specific primers which not only amplified the DR3, DR8,DR11 ~ 14 alleles but also amplified DR1 alleses. It is showed thatPCR - SSP is a promising HLA genotyping technique because of its high sensitivity and specificity, good reproducibility, sim-plicity, rapidity and inexpensiveness. Rational design of SSP and optimization of experiment conditions are necessary for success-ful PCR - SSP. DNA concentration in the second round amplifications is very important when nested PCR was adopted.
Guangdong Medical Journal