

A Revision of Vitex simplicifolia B.N.Lin et S.W.Wang
摘要 根据对单叶黄荆(Vitex simplicifolia)模式标本的研究,结合在其模式产地的野外调查,发现单叶黄荆与黄荆(V.negundo)并无本质区别,不宜作为独立的种,但其叶片为单叶而且比较稳定,将其降级并组合为黄荆的变种。 Based on examination of hebarium specimens and field observations, it is found that Vitex sim- plicifolia B. N. Lin et S. W. Wang has not essential differences with V. negundo Linn. So it cannot be a separated species, and was relegated to a variety of V. negundo Linn. , i. e. , V. negundo Linn. var. simplicifolia ( B. N. Lin et S. W. Wang) D. K. Zang et J. W. Sun, considering its characteristics of simple leaf.
出处 《武汉植物学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期22-22,共1页 Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research
关键词 黄荆属 单叶黄荆 新组合 Vitex V. negundo Linn. vat. simplicifolia ( B. N. Linet S. W. Wang) D. K. Zang et J. W. Sun New combination
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