

Preliminary study on distribution and relative frequency of 5-HT and substance P positive cells in stomach caeca of different sizes of Onchidium strumas
摘要 将不同规格野生瘤背石磺,按8 g以下、8-18 g和18 g以上分为3组,组织切片观察胃盲囊组织结构,并采用免疫组化方法,观察5-羟色胺和P物质在胃盲囊中分布及数量变化规律。结果表明,瘤背石磺胃盲囊主要由非纺锤型和纺锤型两种类型绒毛组成,这两种绒毛所占比例在瘤背石磺不同发育阶段明显不同,在18 g以上组中以纺锤型为主,此时纺锤型所占比例(66%)约为非纺锤型(34%)的2倍。各组瘤背石磺胃盲囊中均有大量5-HT和P物质阳性细胞的分布,这些细胞主要分布于上皮粘膜层,且主要分布在非纺锤型绒毛中,5-羟色胺和P物质阳性非纺锤型绒毛比例均匀约为纺锤型绒毛的10倍。5-羟色胺和P物质阳性细胞数在瘤背石磺胃盲囊的分布规律,均有随瘤背石磺重量的增加而不断增加的趋势,其中18 g以上组5-羟色胺阳性细胞数(112.82 ind/cm^2)约为8 g以下组(34.8 ind/cm^2)的3倍,而18 g以上组P物质阳性细胞数(177.48 ind/cm^2)约为8 g以下组(51.08 ind/cm^2)的3.5倍。在各组中P物质阳性细胞的数量明显高于5-羟色胺,且在不同发育阶段其增加趋势更为明显。 Different sizes of Onchidium strurnas were divided into three groups, which were below 8 g, 8 - 18 g and upward of 18 g group. The histological structure and the number of 5-HT and substance P positive cells in stomachcaeca of different sizes of Onchidium strumas were observed by histology and immunohistochemical methods. The results showed that histologically, two types of villis, spindly and nonspindly, were found in stomach caeca of Onchidium strumas. The percentage of non-spindly villis was reduced with body weight of Onchidium strumas increasing. The much more spindly villis were distributed in upward of 18 g Onchidiurn strumas. The percentage of spindly villis (66%) was about two-fold more than non-spindly villis (34%) in upward of 18g group. Numerous 5-HT cells and substance P were detected in the epithelial mucosa of Onchidium strurnas stomach caeca villis, especially in non-spindly villis. The percentage of positive non-spindly villis of both 5-HT and substance P were 10 times more than that of spindly villis. The number of positive cells of both 5-HT and substance P in stomach caeca were significantly increased in a weight-dependent manner, from below 8 g to unward of 18 g group. The amount of 5-HT in upward of 18 g group (112.82 ind/cm^2) was about 3-fold more than that inbelow 8 g (34.8 ind/cm^2 ), meanwhile, the amount of substance P in upward of 18 g group ( 177.48 ind/cm^2 ) was about 3.5-fold more of that in below 8 g (51.08 ind/cm^2 ). The amount of substance P was higher than that of 5- HT in three groups, and increased with weight.
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期265-270,共6页 Journal of Fisheries of China
基金 上海市教育委员会E-研究院建设项目(E03009) 上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目(沪农科攻字2005D4-3) 上海市博士启动资金(05-212) 上海市重点学科建设项目(Y1101) 上海市优青基金(170401)联合资助
关键词 瘤背石磺 胃盲囊 5-羟色胺 P物质 Onchidium strumas stomach caeca 5-HT substance P
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