袋式除尘器的除尘效率可以达到99.95(以上,烟尘排放浓度低于50 mg/m3以下.随着布袋除尘技术在电力行业的推广应用及相关环保排放标准的日益严格,在600 MW及以上燃煤机组应用袋式除尘器以降低电厂粉尘排放已日趋重要.介绍了山西漳山发电有限责任公司率先在600 MW机组上选用分室定位反吹袋式除尘器的基本情况,总结了应用该技术的经验,以供电厂同行参考.
To apply the bag-filter in coal-fired power plants can help to fulfill the dust chambered efficiency upon 99.95%, and control the boiler flue gas emission under 50rag/m3. Nowadays, as the bag-filter application in power industry and environment protection emission standard becomes stricter, it seems very important to apply the bag-filter project for 600MW and more coal-fired power units. The case of Shanxi Zhangshan Power Generation Co. ,Ltd putting Locating Chambered Reverse Blow Bag-filter project into use for 600 MW units is introduced, introducing the basic application of this project, summarizing the experience of new technology for power plant fellows as reference.
Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power