Objective To probe into the IOL Power Calculation of those patients in Traumatic cataract combined with corneal astigmatism, to decrease the relative accuracy of clinical patients after operation in refractive aspect. Methods There are 43 patients (43eyes) which were performed traumatic cataract combined with corneal astigmatism, accepted TOPCON photokeratometer, computer and retinoscopy optometry, and after three months later, acceoted OBSCANII corneal topography's examination, then calculated respectively the IOL Power with SRK - Ⅱ and SRK/T formula. Results Ascompared with routine photokeratometer measurement and SRK - Ⅱ , using OBSCANII corneal topography's examination and SRK/T formula, the residualre fraction error more than 1 dioptre after operation was reduced 28.47%. Conclusion The new method is reasonable, accurate and practable.
Medical Innovation of China