为了满足对热泵热水器智能控制的需求,设计了一款以三星S3F9488单片机为核心的控制器。该控制器由主控板和液晶操作板构成,主控制板由多路温度与压力数据采集、开关量输入/输出控制、缺相与相序检测等硬件模块构成;液晶操作板具有系统参数显示、按键输入、故障报警等人机交互操作功能,主控制板和液晶操作板之间通过串口通讯进行数据交换。采用IAR for Samsung SAM8开发环境完成了软件设计。实际使用表明,该控制器可以安全可靠地控制家用、小型商用热泵热水器正常运行,操作简便、功能完善,具有较高的性价比。
Aiming at operating heat pump water heater intellectually and effectively, a controller based on Samsung S3F9488 microcontrollers was introduced about hardware circuit design and software design flow chart. The hardware, including multi-channel temperature and pressure data acquisitions, input/output switch control, phase sequence testing and phase loss detection, serial communication and so on, was developed in the host control board. Human machine interface, such as system parameters display, key listener and fault alarm, was realized in the subordinate display board. The exchange of parameters between host control board and subordinate display control board was done by 20 mA current loop communication. System control software was completed by IAR for Samsung SAM8 software development platform. The test results indicate that this heat pump water heater controller is safety and reliability, used in domestic and small commercial heat pump water heater.
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering