
MANET基于客观信任度建模的分簇算法与分析 被引量:6

Clustering algorithm and analysis based on objective trust modeling in MANET
摘要 设计了一个客观信任度评估数学模型,然后基于能量和相对运动观点,以最大稳定链路数为测度,提出了一种最大客观信任的移动自组网分簇算法(MOTBCS)。此分簇算法仅有效扩展原HELLO消息,额外代价小;并且更好考虑到了自组网中的实际约束条件,更适用于真实环境。模拟试验表明,MOTBCS与同类算法相比,能形成更稳定的簇结构,同时具有更低的通信开销和更好的运行效率。 In mobile-adhoc networks (MANET), an objective trust estimation model was presented, and then a maximum-objective-trust-based clustering solution (MOTBCS) was raised, which aimed at the opinion of maximum stable links and energy viewpoints and gave nodes their objective trust estimation. This solution only extended the original HELLO message for the benefit of small costs and it could be better suitable for the realistic working environments in MANETs. Simulation results show that MOTBCS generate more stable clustering groups. It also has less communication costs and better efficiency than other clustering algorithms.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期12-21,共10页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"计划)基金资助项目(2003CB314802) 国家高技术研究发展计划("863"计划)基金资助项目(2006AA01Z401)~~
关键词 移动自组网 信任 稳定链路 分簇 变化率 MANET trust stable links clustering changing rate
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