Oujiang Estuary was taken as an example in this paper to study the relationship between the ratio of the runoff and the tidal current and its dynamic balance characteristics, where a physical model of the estuary was constructed to simulate the current movement. The dominant current of the estuary which was calculated according to the various situation of the runoff and tidal current from the physical model and actual observation records, was used to analyze the dynamic balance characteristics of runoff and tidal current for macro - tidal estuary areas. The result showed that the location of the dynamic balance point of the macro - tidal estuary had a nearly connection with the ratio of the runoff and tidal current, the stagnation point went lower reach while the ratio was large and the stagnation point went up reach while it was a little ratio. The relationship between the topographical change and the location of the dynamic balance areas also showed that the dynamic balance areas could cause sediment accumulation, which related to the formation of the dune in and out estuary. According to the calculation of the dominant current, we could clearly analyze the strength of the main dynamic force for the macro - tidal estuary, in order to find out the regulation of the natural phenomenon.
Journal of Waterway and Harbor
the point of dynamic balance
dominant current
estuarine topography
Oujiang Estuary