
基于证书的可验证多秘密共享方案 被引量:3

Verifiable multi-secret sharing scheme based on certificate
摘要 提出了基于证书的可验证多秘密共享方案,不仅可以同时验证庄家和参与成员的诚实性,而且不需要安全信道为参与者传递秘密信息。该方案还具备在同一组分享者中可共享任意多个秘密,且参与者只需使用同一个子秘密就可恢复任意多组秘密的特点。当有新的参与者加入时,庄家只需公布一个由多项式函数计算出来的公开值,不需要更改已有参与者的信息。 This paper presents a Verifiable Multi-secret Sharing Scheme (VMSS) based on certificate.It cannot only verify the honesty of the dealer and participants at the same time,but also needn't safe channel to send secret shares.Another property of the scheme is that arbitrary number of secrets can be shared in a group of participants.Additionally each participant can use the same share to reconstruct arbitrary number groups of secrets.When a new member would like to enter,the dealer mustn't change the information of existing members,but publish an open value computed by polynomial function.
作者 白晓 余梅生
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期127-128,163,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 证书 可验证秘密共享 可验证多秘密共享 拉格朗日插值多项式 certificate Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS) Verifiable Multi-secret Sharing Scheme ( VMSS ) Lagrangc interpolation polynomial
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