目的:研究AD和MID患者脑影像学改变与认知障碍之间的关系。方法:调查112例门诊和住院AD和MID患者,测定脑CT9项指标和MMSEl 1项因子。结果:AD组三、四脑室、基底池、外侧裂、前后角、脑沟及侧脑室的宽度大于MID组,时间地点定向力、语言即刻记忆、注意和计算及图形描画等5项因子分明显低于MID组;AD组三、四脑室、前角和侧脑室宽度分别与地点定向、注意计算、阅读和语言理解因子分呈显著负相关;MID组后角、三脑室、侧脑室及脉络丛球部宽度分别与时间、定向、阅读理解及图形描画因子分呈显著负相关。结论:AD患者脑室系统扩大和认知损害程度比MID患者严重而广泛。MMSE测查结果结合有关病史是MID早期诊断及与AD鉴别诊断的重要依据。
Objective:To clarify the relation between the changes of CT and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer disease(AD) and maltiinfarct dementia(MID) .Methods: 112 cases of AD and MID in clinic mad inpatient were investigated with 9 items of CT and 11 scores of MMSE. Results:Tile breadth of the flfird, forth ventricle, the basilar suleus, the lateral fissure, the anterior and posterior horn, tile grooves and the lateral ventricle in AD were more larger than in MID. It showed lower scores in the temporal and site orientation language and recent memory, attention and calculation and drawing in AD than in MID. There was significant negative correlation in AD between tile breadth of tirird, forth ventricle, the anterior horn, lateral ventricle and site orientation scores, attention, calculation, reading, language and comprehension; In MID, there was significant negative correlation between tile bleadth of the posterior horn, the third, the lat- eral ventricle, the choroid plexus and the scores of temporal comprehension and drawing. Conclusion: The ventrieular enlargement and cognitive impairment were more serious and extensive in AD than in MID. The results of MMSE examination, combining the disease histo- ry were quite important in early diagnosis of MID and early differential diagnosis from AD.
Journal of Medical Imaging
Alzheimer diseases(AD)
Multi-infarct dementia(MID)
Mini-mental state, examination(MMSE)
Tomography, X-ray computed