目的:应用脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)方法,对来自食物中毒标本中分离的沙门菌进行分子分型,探讨沙门菌食物中毒病原菌溯源方法和应用可能性。方法:菌株分离、生化鉴定和血清型确定参照GB4789.4-2003方法进行,对5株布利丹沙门菌用PFGE方法进行分子分型,应用Quantity oneTM分析软件对电泳后的条带进行分析。结果:从7份标本中检出5株布利丹沙门菌,检出率为71.4%,经PFGE分型,5株来源于食物中毒病人标本的布利丹沙门菌其带型一致,因此PFGE型别相同。结论:PFGE能用于沙门菌食物中毒细菌同源性的分析,在明确食物中毒诊断上有指导性作用,为沙门菌食物中毒溯源提供快速、可靠方法,值得推广、应用。
Objective :To classify the Salmonella separated from poisoning food by the method of pulsed -field gel electropho- resis (PFGE) in molecular,then discuss the traceability of the pathogens of Salmonella from poisoning food and application possibilities. Methods: Strains isolated, biochemical identification and determining the serotype are done by referring to GB4789.4 - 2003 methods. Five S. blegdam are classified by PFGE method, then apply Quantity one TM electrophoresis analysis software to analyse of the band. Results:Five S. blegdam are found from the seven specimens and the detection rate was 71.4 %. The belt - line type of the five S. blegdam from poisoning is the same, so the type of the PFGE is similar. Conclusion:PFGE can be used to analyse the homology of the Salmonella from poisoning food ,play a guiding role in the clear diagnosis of poisoning food and provide a fast and reliable way for the Salmonella, thus, it is worth in the promotion and application.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology