[ Objective] The research aimed to study the effects of methy jasmonate (MeJA) on bulblet and scale leaf growth of Lilium ‘Mona' in vitro, to solve vigorous growth of scale leaves during tissue culture of bulblets in Asiatic Liliwn. [Method] Using bulblet and scale segments of Asiatic Lilium ‘Mona' in vitro, the effects of MeJA on the growth of scale leaves were investigated. [ Result] The scale leaf formation was inhibited by MeJA, the higher the concentration of MeJA the more efficient for restraining scale leaf growth. 100.0% of bulblet formation was obtained in the treatment of 1.0 μmol/L MeJA, but the scale leaf growth was significantly lower than control. 3.0μmol/L MeJA had the inhibitory effect to both the bulblets and the scale leaves. [ Conclusion] Application of MeJA is the efficient way for overcoming the problem of subculturing overelaborate during the tissue culture of Lilium ‘Mona', and 1.0 μmol/L MeJA is suitable for promoting bulblet growth and inhibiting scale leaf growth of Lilium ‘Mona'.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences