运用RAPD技术对奥利亚罗非鱼(Oreochromis aureus)、尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)及其杂交子代(O.aureus ♂×O.niloticus ♀)的遗传多样性进行了研究。从40个RAPD随机引物中筛选出扩增效果好的引物13个,分别用于这3个罗非鱼群体的基因组DNA的扩增。结果显示,3个罗非鱼群体的平均多态性位点比率(P)分别为52.78%、44.36%、44.99%;个体间平均遗传相似系数(S)分别为0.9102、0.9121、0.9043;平均遗传距离(D)分别为0.0898、0.0879、0.0957;平均Nei基因多样性指数(H)分别为0.2248、0.2450、0.2293;平均Shannon信息指数(Hi)分别为0.0922、0.1040、0.1329。同时得到可用于鉴别3个群体的9条特异性分子标记。
Genetic diversity and molecular evolution of 3 groups of Tilapia, O.aureus, O.niloticus, Hybrids, were detected using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. A total 40 random primers were evaluated for the usefulness. Thereinto, 13 random primers were selected according to the effect of PCR of genomic DNA of 3 groups of Tilapia. The results showed as the followings: the polymorphic loci ratio in O.aureus, O.niloticus, hybrids (P) were 52.78%,44.36% and 4.99% respectively, The mean genetic similarity index of intra- groups (S) were 0.9102, 0.9121 and 0.9043 respectively, the mean genetic distances of intra- groups (D) were 0.0898,0.0879 and 0.0957 respectively, Nei′ s gene diversity (H) were 0.2248, 0.2450 and 0.2293 respectively, and Shannon's information index (Hi) were 0.0922, 0.1040 and 0.1329 respectively. Meanwhile, 9 groups- specific markers in 3 groups were received.