阐述了用PLC控制圆形停车库汽车存/取程序的设计方法和思路.结合实际应用,用传送指令将当前车号与待存/取车号分别送入寄存器D0,D1中.经比较后,圆盘按照离请求泊位号最近的方向转动,转盘转动到待存/取车号位置时停止,停止后打开车门,10 s后关门,结束一次存取.电路,程序均以实验通过,可靠性高,可直接使用.本程序适合于三菱系列的PLC.
This paper describes the programming design of the car storing or taking in the circular parking by the use of PLC. ,which uses the orders to send the current car number or the car number to be stored or taken into the register D0, D1. By comparison, the disk will rotate to the the nearest berth. When the disk rotate to the location of the car which will be stored or taken, it will be stopped,then the door of the car will be opened and after los it will be closed. Circuit and procedures are all tested which proves to have high reliability. This procedure is suitable for Mitsubishi series of PLC.
Journal of Lanzhou Higher Polytechnical College