
最大一致流问题的一个逼近算法 被引量:1

An Approximation Scheme of Maximum Concurrent Flow Problem
摘要 通过建构辅助网络,以Korte和Vygen于2000年所给出的一个求最大多种物资网络流问题的逼近解的完全多项式算法作为子程序进行二分搜索,给出了一个新的求解最大一致流问题的逼近算法.然后,进行算法分析,说明了所建立的算法是拟多项式算法,并且给出与证明了一个有关输出的流与输入问题的解之间的逼近关系.该项工作表明从一个多种物资网络流问题的算法出发通过变换求解其他有关问题是可行的,并且为研究网络流问题提供了一种新的方法. Via constructing the auxiliary for the Maximum Concurrent Flow Problem network, a new approximation algorithm is proposed and studied through implementing binary searching with the Multicommodity Flow Approximation Scheme provided by Korte and Vygen (2000). Making the algorithm analysis, explain the designed algorithm is a pseudopolynomial algorithm, propose and prove an approximation relation between the solution of input problem and the output flow. Our work shows it is feasible that via a certain transformation, a multicommodity flow problem can be solved from a scheme of another related problem. In addition, the present work also proposes an new clue to this research line.
出处 《辽宁大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第1期35-39,共5页 Journal of Liaoning University:Natural Sciences Edition
关键词 多物资网络流 逼近 算法 复杂性 bicriteria network multicommodity flow approximation scheme complexity approximationrelation.
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