目的了解长沙市与北京市和安徽省(包括合肥、宿州、黄山三个城市)青少年腰围正常参考值的差异。方法采用随机整群抽样的方法抽取长沙市四所学校,以参加2005年学生体质与健康调研的2 490名(男1 293名,女1 197名)12~17岁中学生为研究对象,测量腰围,并计算各年龄组男女学生的腰围均数和标准差。并将通过收集国家知识基础设施(CNKI)中国期刊网发表的北京市和安徽省同种族人群的腰围参考值资料与长沙市人群比较,进行分类整理和分析。结果三个地区12~17岁男女生腰围参考值拟合曲线,都显示出随年龄逐渐增长的趋势;三个地区男生的腰围参考值拟合曲线增长趋势基本一致,以长沙市男生腰围值最高,安徽省最低;三个地区女生的腰围参考值拟合曲线,在13岁之前,以长沙女生的腰围值最高,13岁之后以北京最高;安徽男女生的腰围参考曲线显著低于长沙和北京。结论中国不同地区同种族12~17岁人群腰围参考值曲线存在地域差异。
Objective To examine the differences in waist circumference (WC) reference data for various regions of China. Methods Four of the middle schools in urban area of Changsha and 2,490 students aged between 12 and 17 years who attended the Physical Fitness and Health Surveillance of Chinese' School Students, 2005 were randomly selected to conduct investigation. We measured the WC and calculated the mean value and standard deviation of WC by age and gender which were compared and analyzed with another WC reference data from journals published in the CNKI. Results The WC fitting curves were increasing with age in all regions. The WC for Changsha boys was higher than that for other regions with the same increasing tendency. The WC for Changsha girls was higher than that for other regions ones before 13 years old, then after 13 years old, the WC for Changsha girls was lower than that for Beijing girls' data but higher than that for Anhui girls' data. The WC for Anhui girls was significantly lower than that for other regions. Conclusions There are regional differences in WC reference data among different area populations aged from 12 to 17 years in the same race of China.
Practical Preventive Medicine
Waist circumference
Reference value
Regional difference