
存在信道估计误差的有限反馈多用户多输入多输出传输性能分析 被引量:1

Performance Analysis of Limited Feedback Multiuser MIMO Transmission with Channel Estimation Error
摘要 该文针对存在信道估计误差的有限反馈多用户多输入多输出(MIMO)传输性能进行分析。基于量化微元逼近理论得出了多用户迫零波束赋型系统容量的下界;该下界表明:存在信道估计误差时,随着码本尺寸的增大,高信噪比条件下系统容量趋于一有限值;并且,信道估计误差越大,系统容量随码本尺寸收敛越早。进一步分析了采用多用户选择分集的系统容量性能,分析表明,当用户数量趋于无穷大时,和容量有界。该文结果和现有文献的结论不同,并经由仿真结果进行验证。 In this paper, the impact of channel estimation error on the performance of multiuser Multiple-input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmission based on limited feedback information is analyzed. For zero-forcing beamforming without multiuser scheduling, a sum capacity lower bound is derived based on the quantization cell approximation, which shows that in the presence of the channel estimation error, the worst-case sum capacity converges to a finite ceil regardless of how fast the codebook size B increases at asymptotically high SNR. It is also shown that the larger the variance of the channel estimation error, the earlier the sum capacity begins to converge in terms of B. The case with multiuser selection diversity is also investigated, and it is shown that the sum capacity is bounded when the number of active users approaches infinity. The results are in contrast to the conclusions in the recent literature, and are verified by simulations.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期426-429,共4页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(60372055) 博士点基金(20030698027)资助课题
关键词 空分复用 多输入多输出 下行链路 有限反馈 信道估计误差 Spatial multiplexing Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Downlink Limited feedback Channelestimation error
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