电子计算机及信息技术产品通过 USB 接口连接在一起,产品的协同工作能力和相容性将最终影响产品的市场占有率。USB 认证可以通过如 HKSTC 等 USB-IF 认可的独立测试实验室进行。介绍了 USB 测试的内容:互容性/黄金树测试、USBCV 测试、电气性能测试及测试流程等。
PC and IT products will be commonly connected together through USB ports, interoperability and compatibility are the main concern for the functional performance, and ultimately these will affect the acceptability and popularity of the product in the market. USB certification can be done through USB accredited testing laboratory certified by USB-IF like HKSTC. USB testing contents will be discussed in this paper.