设置0,5,15,30 mg/L 4个Cd浓度的水培试验,研究Cd对几种叶菜的耐性和累积效应。结果表明, Cd毒害引起菠菜、茼蒿、竹芥菜新叶枯焦、严重黄化,生长缓慢,产量显著减少,其影响大小顺序为竹芥菜>茼蒿、结球白菜>菠菜、生菜、油菜>小白菜。Cd在不同蔬菜类型的累积浓度大小顺序为茎叶:茼蒿>油菜、小白菜>结球白菜>竹芥菜>生菜>菠菜;根:茼蒿>结球白菜、油菜、小白菜>竹芥菜>生菜>菠菜。蔬菜茎叶对Cd的累积总量大小顺序为:油菜、结球白菜>苘蒿>小白菜、竹芥菜>菠菜、生菜。
Seven main leaf vegetables cultivars [Brassica campestris L.ssp. pekinensis (Lour) Olsson, Apinacea oleracea L.var. spinosa Moench, Brassica Chinensis var. tsai-tai, Brassica juncea Coss. Bailey var. foliosa, Brassica campestris ssp. Chinensis M, Chrysanthemum coronavium var.spatisum, Lactuca sativa var. crispa L.] grown in Southurrn area were chosen and grown under different concentrations of cadmium (0, 5, 15,30 mg/L)using hydroponics system to evaluate the impacts of Cd on the growths and yields of leaf vegetables, toxic-symptoms and their accumulation of Cd. Cd contents in different parts of plant were measured after harvest. The results showed that, after different contents of Cd were supplied for three weeks, toxic-symptoms of yellow leaf was apperence seriously in spatisum, spinach,juncea, the yields of all vegetables were all decreased significantly compared with the control. The inhibiting rate were found to be following order: Juncea 〉spatisum,pekinensis〉spinach, lettuce, tsai-tai〉 Chinensis. Most of Cd absorbed by plant was accumulated in roots, little of them was transported to the aboveground portions. Cd concentrations of leafs and roots were found to follow the sequence:spatisum〉 pekinensis (root), tsai-tai, Chinensis〉 pekinensis (leaf) 〉 Juncea 〉 lettuce〉 spinach. The order of Cd accumulation in different leaf vegetables was: tsai-tai, pekinensis 〉 spatisum〉 Chinensis, Juncea 〉 lettuce 〉 spinach.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops