本文报道了在囊液理化性质及免疫性质分析的基础上,应用DEAE-Sephadex A50直接吸附法制备猪囊尾蚴囊液抗原组份,并与传统的蛋白质类抗原制备的Sephadex G200凝胶过滤法制备的囊液抗原组份进行比较。结果表明:γ~A组份作为囊尾蚴病诊断抗原,免疫比值高,非特异性吸附反应小;效价高,包被浓度为6μg/ml以下;特异性强,阳性检出率及阳性符合率均在98%以上。而且工艺简便,产品率高,便于推广应用。
The pig cysticercosis immunodiagnosis antigen was prepared, on the basis of the analysis of physical, chemical, chemical and immun-ological properties of the cysliceri liquid, with DEAE-Sephadex A50 direct-absor bing method. The antigen was also compared with that prepared with the method of Gel Filtration with Sephadex G200. The results showed that the antigen in group rA presented a high specificity, high immuno-value and titre and minute nonspecific and titre and minute nonute nonspecific absorptive reaciton. The coating concentration was under 6μg/ml. Both the positive detecting rate and positive corretation rate were above 98%. The technique can be employed in practical production.
Journal of Jilin Agricultural University